The role of Higher Education to foster sustainable development

The Univerisity of Siena launches a survey on “The role of Higher Education to foster sustainable development”. The survey is open to all Institutions (universities, research institutions, NGOs, etc.) that are involved in Education for sustainability. This questionnaire is aimed at highlighting the main characteristics and criticalities of courses on sustainable development currently being offered by universities and other institutions at national and international scale. Particular attention is given to the issues faced, approaches and teaching methods used, as well as the targets of the various courses offered. The survey, despite its ease and speed of compilation, aims to identify best practices, innovations in the field of education on sustainable development and eventually the difficulties encountered by the various institutions in the structuring of their activities. The preliminary results of the Survey have been presented at G7 “University – Education for all”, 29-30 June 2017, Udine (Italy).

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