“SDG Italia 2030” initiative announced at the 7th Annual SDSN Leadership Council Meeting

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SDSN Mediterranean is promoting an initiative called “SDGs Italia 2030” for the localization of the SDGs for Italy.

The initiative is organised in cooperation with Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei (FEEM ) with the scientific coordination of Enrico Giovannini, Co-chair of the “Independent Expert Advisory Group on the Data Revolution for Sustainable Development”

The initiative aims to:
a) raise awareness and promote the knowledge of SDGs in Italian society and economy, also through the use of social networks

b) analyze the implications and opportunities of the SDGs  agenda

c) define an implementation strategy for the SDGs in Italy

d) design an adequate monitoring framework for the SDGs in Italy

The main activities foreseen are the following:

  1. To promote greater awareness and knowledge of the SDGs , in civil society , schools, enterprises and institutions
  2. To identify the necessary paths and trade-offs to be addressed to promote sustainable development and to avoid excessive climate change 
  3.  To measure the innovative proposals that come from the research system and promoting the adoption by businesses